Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day of Preschool

I can't believe Will is big enough for preschool! He goes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 - 11:30a.m. He says that he likes his teacher, Ms. Nancy. Here he is outside the school on his first day:
Here he is outside his classroom, by the cubbies where I pick up his papers and crafts (and where we'll eventually try to cram his winter jacket):
The kids have to wash their hands first and then go to class. I let him go in the door and he headed straight for the puzzle table with the other kids. The teachers couldn't even get him to look up to tell me goodbye (sniff):
Here he is at the end of the day. Ms. Nancy (in the blue) called his name and he came running out the door with a huge smile on his face. He was excited to tell me that he got to be the "Flag Helper."
Here he is this morning before school. Today was his third day, but it was the first "Show and Tell" day. Will brought his favorite book, Alphabet Adventure:

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1 comment:

  1. Starting school, crazy?!? He is getting so big and looks so grown up. Glad to see everything went great.
    ~Natalie Klauser
